
Cost advantages in the foundry are competitive advantages on the market. Therefore, the expert team at RAUCH develops and produces sustainable efficiency-enhancing solutions: The optimisation of casting conditions through the provision of Zinc at a constant level and constant temperature and the re-melting of runner and biscuits reduces operating costs and increases productivity. In particular, the integration of in-plant recycling systems also reduces costs by eliminating external re-melting, transport and interim storage costs and through savings in raw material storage. 

The recycling material, which is comparable to the new material in terms of quality, can be either automatically cast as ingots in a RAUCH system or more economically introduced in the production process! 


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Melt Container ZSB

The RAUCH Zinc Melt Container enables the transport and/or holding of liquid Zinc alloys.

RAUCH Zinc Melt containers enable:

  • To store liquid die casting alloys.
  • To maintain liquid die casting alloys at appropriate temperature.
  • To transport liquid die casting alloys.


  • High quality insulated steel housing.
  • Welded, stainless steel crucible.
  • Indirect electrical bottom heated.
  • One or two fill hopper(s).
  • One or two places for pumps to unload the container.
  • Optional pedestal and weight measuring system to keep a constant level in a machine furnace.

Transfer System:

  • Unloading of the crucible with electric powered pump.

Feeding Conveyor ZFB

The RAUCH Zinc feeding conveyor ZFB is made for continuous feeding of the melting furnaces with runners.

RAUCH Zinc feeding conveyors enable:

  • A continuous feeding of the melting furnaces with runners.
  • The storage of runners up to 500 kg.


  • Steel joint hinge as conveying device.
  • Large volume charging hopper.
  • Noise insulation board inside the charging hopper.
  • Regulation in connection with the furnace fill level.
  • Pitch 45°, customer specific layout possible.
  • Torque guard for overload protection.
  • Reverse control.


  • Feeding of the furnace via discharge slide.
  • Feeding of two furnaces via pneumatic operating double discharge slide.

Lift - Tilt Device HUK

The RAUCH Zinc Lift – Tilt Device HUK is made for the feeding of melting furnaces.

RAUCH lift – tilt devices enable:

  • The save feeding of small quantities of runners into the furnace.

Zinc liquid transport systems

RAUCH Zinc liquid transport systems enable a fully automated supply of Zinc machine furnaces with liquid Zinc of a pre- or remelting furnace.

Realization fusion:

Central melting: All ingots and biscuits are molten at an electrically, gas fired or with recuperator technology driven Zinc melting furnace (ZSO) and transported in liquid state to the Zinc machine furnaces (ZMO).

Realization liquid transport:

  • Flexible by carriage (Zinc liquid transport system): The Zinc liquid transport system ZFTS575 is filled with Zinc and an automatic carriage Agilox ONE controls it by demand to the consumer.
  • Rigid by a monorail system (Zinc liquid transport with monorail system ZFTH): A ZSB is filled with liquid Zinc at a melting furnace, afterwards the ZSB transports and distributes the melt to machine furnaces along the monorail track.
  • Position independent by fork lift (Zinc liquid transport system with fork lift ZFTM): A ZSB is getting filled at a melting furnace and carried by a fork lift to a machine furnace.
  • Batch wise by a container (ZSB): A filled ZSB is placed automatically or manually as storage in front of a machine furnace. Prior, the melting container is filled at a ZSO.


  • ZFTS: High automation level, automatically demand evaluation, driveway independent and hence track free, position of the melting is flexible, economy of time by automation.
  • ZFTH: High automation level, automatically demand evaluation, low driveway width necessary and free passage under the track (stand height 2500 mm), economy of time by automation, single- and double-spaced assembly possible.
  • ZFTM: Manually allocation of the ZSB by a fork lift, hence track free, automatically demand evaluation, cost efficient.
  • Batch wise liquid feeding with ZSB: Automatically demand evaluation, alloy independent, cost efficient, stationary.

Ingot Casting Machine ZMGB

The RAUCH Zinc ingot casting machine offers an automatic production of ingots made out of runners.


  • Base frame in a welded and bolted construction with rails for hollow pin chain, openings for maintenance.
  • Base with forming tubes and loops for the transport of the belt with the indoor crane.
  • Driven by a cylindrical gear motor.
  • Level measurement system with pneumatic operating and compressed air maintenance unit.
  • Ingot molds can be fed from left or right side.


  • Feeding by a Zinc feeding pump out of a Zinc melting furnace.

Runners Box Tilting Device BEG

Through the RAUCH runners box tilting device BEG is the emptying of boxes on a conveyor really easy.


  • Solid steel frame with safety fences on the sides.
  • Locked safety door.
  • Tillable box retainer.
  • Helical gearbox electrical driven.


  • Emptying of the box in portions by continuous pivoting.